Saturday, June 28, 2014

Health Care Scare: Medical Identity Theft

By Rick Fromme

Computer Security
Computer Security (Photo credit: IntelFreePress)
With July 4th fast approaching, many of us will celebrate our national holiday spending time with family and friends barbequing, hanging out together in the long summer evening, and perhaps watching fireworks.

The Fourth of July or Independence Day, as it’s officially called, commemorates the ratification and adoption of our Declaration of Independence in 1776, as the 13 original states declared their independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Our fledgling country had won its freedom from foreign tyranny.

Today, although we remain politically free from the yoke of any other country, the U.S. and its citizens face an ever-mounting threat on our personal freedom and identities from the continuous onslaught of cybercriminals.  These e-crooks — some independent, some as part of syndicates, and some even as foreign governments’ agencies — seek to steal our precious assets, among them, our medical care records. And despite the conveniences and efficiency that Electronic Medical Records (EMR) continue to provide, their very “cybernature” makes our most personal of private information even more vulnerable to cracking, hacking, spying and hijacking. 

With increasing frequency, cyber criminals are focusing their nefarious efforts on medical identity theft. Why? According to Larry Ponemon, founder of the Ponemon Institute, “in the world of black market information, a medical record is considered more valuable than everything else.” Released in March, Its Fourth Annual Benchmark Study on Patient Privacy & Data Security specifically focused on “new and expanded threats to the security and privacy of patient information in the U.S. health care system.”

hacking in a suite at clarion
Hacking in a suite at clarion (Photo credit: Johan Nilsson)
The report’s disturbing conclusion: Criminal attacks on health care systems have risen 100% since it first conducted its studies in 2010.  This, according to nearly a hundred different health care organizations that participated in the study. These included hospitals and clinics that were part of a health care network, integrated delivery systems, along with individual hospitals and clinics. All organizations in this research were subjected to HIPAA as a covered entity.

Credit card information has long been one of the coveted “jewels” that criminals like to get their dirty hands on. Specifically relating to health care identity theft, these ne’er-do-wells seek to obtain such information as Social Security numbers and personal health records, as this type of data is stored much longer versus credit card numbers (in most cases).

Several studies have indicated that sloppy behavior, such as health care employees losing a laptop or other mobile devices that have unencrypted data, is one of the main avenues would-be criminals use to scarf up our private medical information.  Contributing to the likelihood of this occurrence is the often times rushed nature of a health care employee’s job. So focused can a provider be in terms of taking care of patients, they inadvertently compromise their attention to security.

Breaches can also result from third-party contractors who can get their hands on public medical data. The continuing proliferation of ever more sophisticated mobile devices makes it even easier for criminals to steal data, especially when you consider 88 % of medical facilities 
permit employees to access patient data via their own mobile devices. Think about that for a moment. What percentage of these employees do you think have the necessary encryption software and other security measures in place on their tablets or smartphones?

Even visiting the hospital one time — say for a routine exam — can give six to 10 companies virtually unrestricted access to one’s medical data. This includes the hospital itself, extraneous labs, specialty providers, health insurance companies, pharmacies, medical equipment providers and other entities.

Anonymous Attack
Anonymous Attack (Photo credit:
While the implementation of the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA or ObamaCare) has been lauded by some and cursed by others, the Ponemon study reported unequivocally that nearly 70% of its participants felt the ACA “significantly increases” or “increases” the risk to patient privacy and security. Of primary concern is the insecure exchange of patient information between health care providers and the government. FYI: Several U.S. agencies have been repeatedly hacked, including by elements of the Chinese government. Check out this blog by Internet experts, Working the Web to Win, “How Close is the US to Experiencing a Digital Pearl Harbor?” Another concern regarding the ACA was the volume of patient data existing on insecure databases, and applicants registering for the ACA on insecure websites.

Of course, health care employees are health care consumers as well. Regardless of one’s specialty, you or your family members are no doubt periodically in need of routine exams, checkups, and medical care. That means your medical records are vulnerable, too.
According to the Federal Trade Commission:

“A thief may use your name or health insurance numbers to see a doctor, get prescription drugs, file claims with your insurance provider, or get other care. If the thief’s health information is mixed with yours, your treatment, insurance and payment records, and credit report may be affected.

If you see signs of medical identity theft, order copies of your records and check for mistakes. You have the right to see your records and have mistakes corrected.”

It also makes the following recommendations:
Credit Card Theft
Identity Theft (Photo credit: Don Hankins)

Read your medical and insurance statements regularly and completely. They can show warning signs of identity theft. Read the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statement or Medicare Summary Notice that your health plan sends after treatment. Check the name of the provider, the date of service, and the service provided. Do the claims paid match the care you received? If you see a mistake, contact your health provider and report the problem.

Other signs of medical identity theft:
  • A bill for medical services you didn’t receive
  • A call from a debt collector about a medical debt you don’t owe
  • Medical collection notices on your credit report that you don’t recognize
  • A notice from your health plan, saying you reached your benefit limit
  • A denial of insurance because your medical records show a condition you don’t have

In this article, I talked about the ever-growing problem of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) identity theft. I shared information compiled from a respected annual, national study that found medical record hacking and theft is growing rapidly. I also shared some of  the causes of increased medical identity theft, from the proliferation of unsecured mobile devices to the implementation of the ACA. I also offered some suggestions about what health care providers — who are also health care consumers — should do to help minimize breaches of their own and their families’medical records.  If you found this article helpful, please leave a comment and share it with your colleagues, family and friends. As always, I appreciate your comments.

Rick Fromme combines entrepreneurial enthusiasm with an insider's knowledge of the medical industry to co-found Both his drive and perspective helps provide health care professionals with a superior mechanism with which to communicate, network and market their strengths. Prior to founding, Rick operated a highly successful medical device distributorship. Other milestones in his 12-year career in the medical industry include a key position at a medical device start-up company that was later sold to the Ethicon Endo division of Johnson & Johnson. You may also reach Rick by connecting with him on FacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedIn and YouTube

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Friday, June 13, 2014

Medical Device Sales: Fascinating, Captain! Part 3

Extra, extra! Read all about it! 

MDEA announces its 2014 medical technology winners!

By Rick Fromme

If you’re a medical device sales professional, or you’re looking into transitioning into this exciting field of health care, then this blog’s for you. In our ongoing series of highlighting advanced medical technologies across multiple disciplines (i.e., imaging, diagnostics, surgical, consumer, etc.), we strive to introduce to some of the most innovative and life-changing products being produced world-wide today.

Breaking News

You may recall our second edition of “FascinatingCaptain!” featured the award-winners of the 2013 Medical Device and Engineering Awards (MDEA). As stated by “MD+DIMagazine” about its prestigious award ceremony: 

“The Medical Design Excellence Awards (MDEA) competition is the medtech industry's premier awards program recognizing the highest caliber medical devices and diagnostic products on the market. The MDEA program recognizes the achievements of medical device manufacturers, their suppliers, and the many people behind the scenes who are responsible for the cutting-edge innovations that are saving lives, improving patient healthcare, and transforming medtech worldwide — one innovation at a time. Since its inception in 1998, the competition has honored over 600 groundbreaking products.” 

Earlier this week, during its annual MDEA Conference and Exposition in New York City, “MD+DI Magazine” announced its international award winners for the most compelling and innovative medical devices for 2014. Below are the Gold winners in each of the award ceremony’s 11 distinct categories:

Critical Care & Emergency Medical Products

Hemolung RAS extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal system. Manufactured and submitted by ALungTechnologies Inc. (Pittsburgh). Hemolung RAS provides respiratory dialysis; a simple, minimally-invasive form of extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO₂R) that acts as an alternative or supplement to mechanical ventilation in cases of acute respiratory failure. 

Dental Instruments, Equipment & Supplies

Solea CO₂ dental laser system for hard and soft tissue. Manufactured by Convergent Dental Inc. (Natick, MA). At 9.3 μm, Solea is the first CO₂ laser system ever cleared by the FDA for hard and soft tissue ablation. Solea is fast, precise, virtually noiseless, and anesthesia-free for the vast majority of procedures. 

Drug-Delivery Devices and Combination Products

PROPEL mometasone furoate implant and PROPEL mini mometasone furoate implant. Manufactured and submitted by
Intersect ENT (Menlo Park, CA). PROPEL and PROPEL mini dissolvable steroid-releasing implants reduce the need for additional surgical procedures and for oral steroids, which can have serious side effects for patients suffering from chronic sinusitis.

General Hospital Devices & Therapeutic Products

LuViva Advanced Cervical Scan is a point-of-care, noninvasive cervical disease detection device. Manufactured by Guided Therapeutics Inc. (Norcross, GA). LuViva is a test for early detection of the disease that leads to cervical cancer. It does not require a tissue sample.

Implant & Tissue-Replacement Products

GUIDE DBS programming planning and visualization system for deep brain stimulation (DBS). Manufactured and submitted by Boston Scientific Corp. (Natick, MA). GUIDE DBS is a software program that creates a 3D image of a patient’s deep brain anatomy and the relative location of the implanted lead. A model of the volume of activated tissue allows the clinician to intelligently optimize stimulation parameters.

Invitro Diagnostic Products & Systems

AtomoRapid HIV (1&2) integrated rapid antibody test. Manufactured and submitted by Atomo Diagnostics PtyLtd. (Sydney, Australia). AtomoRapid HIV is the first integrated rapid test for detection of HIV 1&2 using blood. The AtomoRapid blood testing platform can accommodate test strips for a wide variety of condition such as celiac disease, allergies, and infectious diseases such as malaria and HIV. The device delivers better clinical outcomes for patients and health care providers by enabling simpler, safer and more accurate testing in a field or at home.

Medical Product Packaging, Graphic Instructions & Labeling Systems

SoTube/SoSafe double-sterile barrier packaging. Manufactured and submitted by SeleniumMedical  (La Rochelle, France). SoTube/SoSafe are two innovative solutions— nested tubes based for implants in a double-sterile barrier packaging. This ensures nurses and surgeons easy handling of package and implants, as well as a pioneer “No Touch” approach right up to the point of surgery.

Over-the-Counter & Self-Care Products

AEROBIKA oscillating positive expiratory pressure therapy system. Manufactured and submitted by Trudell Medical International (London, Canada). The AEROBIKA oscillating PEP device helps loosen and remove mucus build-up in the lungs.

Radiological & Electromechanical Devices

AIRO Mobile Computed Tomography (CT) System. Manufactured and submitted by MobiusImaging LLC (Ayer, MA). The AIRO Mobile CT integrates advanced imaging technologies into existing medical workflow and provides the clinician with procedural flexibility as well as real-time CT imaging information where and when it’s needed.

Rehabilitation & Assistive-Technology Products

Vector Gait and Safety System. Manufactured and submitted by Bioness Inc. (Valencia, CA). The Vector Gait and Safety System is a ceiling-mounted robotic technology designed to improve patient mobility and functional independence by tracking movement and offloading a precise amount of body weight during rehabilitation. 

Surgical Equipment, Instruments & Supplies

Zip Surgical Skin Closure. Manufactured and submitted by ZipLine Medical Inc. (Campbell, CA). Zip is a noninvasive skin closure alternative to sutures and staples for surgery and lacerations, offering time-savings, better cosmesis, lower infection risk, and greater patient comfort. It’s easy to apply and patients can remove it at home. 

Of those Gold winners cited above, Atomo Diagnostics’ AtomoRapid HIV was chosen as this year’s overall “Best in Show.” 


MDEA’s “Lifetime Achievement Award” winner was Dean Kamen, the inventor of the new, FDA-approved DEKA prosthetic arm.

It took eight years of research, but Kamen, the inventor of the Segway “scooter,” created the closest thing to a replacement for amputated arms — and industry pundits acknowledge it’s a game changer. It allows users to zip up coats, gently handle eggs and drink from a bottle of water, among other tasks.

Developed by Kamen’s DEKA Research and Development, along with funding from the DefenseAdvanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the device can be fitted for people with amputations at the shoulder, upper arm or lower arm, but not at the elbow or wrist. (For more information on some of the cool projects DARPA funds or sponsors, read our blog, “TheNext Generation — Putting Your Best Robot Forward.”)

Nicknamed “Luke” after the “Star Wars” hero who lost his hand in a light-saber duel, Kamen’s device works by picking up on the electric signals near the point of amputation and translating those to the prosthetic.  It’s a transparent replica of a human arm and hand, complete with fingers and a thumb. 

“Luke” gives users the ability to perform multiple functions at one time, an advance over most available prosthetics.The human brain automatically calibrates the amount of grip needed to pick up objects, and knows to adjust strength in order to handle a coin as opposed to a book. The “Luke” arm does the same, switching between six different grips as the wearer decides. Being able to control several joints at the same time also increases users’ range of motion, allowing them to open a lock with a key, or chop food to prepare a meal.
                                                        "Luke," the DEKA Prosthetic Arm

In this article, I shared with you the hot-off-the-presses Gold award and special category winners of this year’s MDEA medtech awards, which was held in New York City earlier this week. If you’re in medical device sales, I hope you found this article especially useful and informative. Please leave a comment below and share this with your colleagues and friends.

Rick Fromme combines entrepreneurial enthusiasm with an insider's knowledge of the medical industry to co-found Both his drive and perspective helps provide health care professionals with a superior mechanism with which to communicate, network and market their strengths. Prior to founding, Rick operated a highly successful medical device distributorship. Other milestones in his 12-year career in the medical industry include a key position at a medical device start-up company that was later sold to the Ethicon Endo division of Johnson & Johnson. You may also reach Rick by connecting with him on Facebook. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Why Join a Medical Staffing Network?

By Rick Fromme

Your former colleague told you that after she’d joined an online medical staffing network, she soon found a new position at a major medical center.  She loves her new job; the pay’s better, she gets an extra week
Yes! (Photo credit: Joe Shlabotnik)
vacation, tuition assistance, and her benefits are more comprehensive than yours.

Now your curiosity is definitely piqued. Even though you already have a professional profile on LinkedIn and you periodically attend networking events and conferences in your specialty, you’re wondering, “Should I join a medical staffing network?

The answer is a resounding “Yes!”

By joining a medical staffing network and having your résumé available to potential employers and health industry specific recruiters, you stand the best chance of career security and advancement — whether you’re actively looking for a new position or not.

Health Care Jobs Are Happening

Senate Passes Insurance Industry Aid Bill
Senate Passes Insurance Industry Aid Bill (Photo credit: Mike Licht,
Consider this: For medical recruiters especially, online networking and searching plays an increasingly critical role in sourcing active and passive candidates who possess the right skills sets for particular specialties in health care and medicine.  Whether it’s in medical and pharmaceutical sales, to numerous clinical specialties such as nursing, physical therapy, physician assistants, and sonographers; to health care IT specialists, to administrators and even physicians, recruiters and would-be employers are always looking for key talent. As I wrote in an earlier blog, "Health Care Jobs Outlook is Jammin'!" health care is one of the most dynamic sectors of today’s job market today and will continue to be within the next decade as well.  There will be a continual need for skilled professionals in health care for a long time to come. That’s why you want to have your résumé and contact information readily available for employers and recruiters to access anywhere, and anytime.

Since staffing agencies, recruiters, hiring managers, and providers use medical staffing networks to post jobs and search for qualified potential job candidates in medical social networks, you have to be where they’re looking.  By having your résumé and qualifications in a medical social network database, you ensure your qualifications are seen by hundreds of people searching for someone of your background and skills.  Regardless of your specialty, joining a medical staffing network makes promoting yourself on a consistent basis easier. Think of it as having your own 24/7 and 365 day-per-year press agency. 

To Niche Their Own

Joining a medical staffing network such as gives you the benefit of belonging to a professional niche network that’s industry specific, plus provides the benefits of a comprehensive job board and social networking sitefocused solely on the health care industry.  General sites such as LinkedIn are more of a jack-of-all trades network, so it’s easier for your information to get lost amongst the millions of other people and professions.

The Right Tools to Get the Best Job

Beautiful Tools
Beautiful Tools (Photo credit: geishaboy500)
MedMasters was created by health care industry professionals, for health care industry professionals. Your membership provides access to its medical professional directory, its ever-expanding social hub, and gives you access to the sites other unique features:
  • MedMail
  • MedConnect Groups
  • Professional Assessments
  • Video Résumé

A MedMasters member’s MedMail box is set up to do most of the tasks found in popular email systems, but also facilitates real-time alerts such as MedConnect requests, job alerts, candidate alerts, and MedMatch alerts. Upon receiving a message, members receive a MedMail notification, which they may choose to respond to immediately or at a later date and time. It’s easy to sync your MedMail account to your mobile device since your MedMails are relayed to your email address. When a recruiter is trying to contact you about a given job opening, most people want to respond as soon as possible.  MedMail facilitates the instant communication process.

MedConnect Groups facilitates the ability for members to network, share ideas, and discuss important topics with professionals of similar interests. There's no limit to the number of groups a member can join. Most open groups aren't restricted to only one's peers. Premium groups consist of peers, the industry's top recruiters, and leading employers.

There are nearly 45 broad-based groups as part of MedMasters' Groups: Allied Health Lounge, Allied Health Opportunities (premium), Clinical Specialist Lounge, Clinical Specialist Opportunities (premium), Nurse Practitioner Opportunities (premium), Health Care Executive Suite, Medical Product Development, Healthcare Information Technology, many specialty specific groups and others. There are also more “'socially enjoyable” and general category groups for Socializing,  Humor, Fun & Interesting, Medical News Forum, Medical Events and Conferences, Mingling Singles and others.

Assessments are available to all of MedMasters’ professional members at no charge. Furthermore, you can choose to post your results on your MedMasters’ profile page. MedMasters’ assessments and methodologies are based on 40 years of data and research. They provide both individual members, as well as employers, human resource solutions that are proven, measurable, and provide optimal results.
Companies use the results of your assessment to evaluate and compare you (and other candidates) with their top employees.  Employers cull from MedMasters' membership database, using the assessment results of its top performers as an objective benchmark. The closer your assessment findings match the companies’ best performers, the more likely you’ll be able to succeed at the level of the firms’ most valuable employees. It’s a win-win situation for both you and the company.
Video camera in action.
Video camera in action. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
One of the primary goals of any job seeker is to distinguish him or herself to become the target of potential employers’ radar. There are several different ways to do this. One that’s gaining a lot of popularity is through video résumés. Numerous studies have shown people respond better when shown something rather than being simply told. Furthermore, people would rather watch a video than read verbiage.  By having your own video résumé, you can personally highlight the reasons why you’re the ideal candidate to any potential employers or recruiters. It will allow you to make a favorable impression from the get-go.

In this article, I discussed some of the numerous advantages of joining a medical staffing network. Sites such as provide health care industry professionals a niche job board as well as an interactive professional social network — both of which are highly advantageous to job seekers and hiring entities.  I also detailed some of the unique features you can find in MedMasters such as MedMail, MedConnect, Assessment Center and the ability to post video résumés. If you found this article useful, please post your comments below. I encourage you to also share it with your colleagues and recent graduates from accredited health care programs and medical schools.

Rick Fromme combines entrepreneurial enthusiasm with an insider's knowledge of the medical industry to co-found Both his drive and perspective helps provide health care professionals with a superior mechanism with which to communicate, network and market their strengths. Prior to founding, Rick operated a highly successful medical device distributorship. Other milestones in his 12-year career in the medical industry include a key position at a medical device start-up company that was later sold to the Ethicon Endo division of Johnson & Johnson. You may also reach Rick by connecting with him on FacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedIn and YouTube
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Friday, June 6, 2014

Humerus Я Us Part 3

By Rick Fromme


A patient was just coming awake in the recovery room. He complained, “The light is hurting my eyes, can you pull the blanket up over my head please?” His nurse responded, “I’d love to, but can you imagine how terrified the other patients will be when they see you like that?”
The study of laughter, scientifically known as gelotology, has repeatedly shown that humor, laughing, sharing anecdotes, feeling whimsical, etc., is actually good for us physically as well as psychologically.  In addition to our core muscles and diaphragm getting stimulated, there are numerous biochemical reactions that are positively affected when we laugh. For example: lowered blood pressure, reduction of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, an increase in the response of tumor- and disease-killing cells such as Gamma-interferon and T-cells and much more. (See my previous blog, “Humerus  Я Us.”) 

But since humor’s the rub, let’s forgo anymore introductory “blurbiage” and get right to it. Laughing, that is.

                                                Anesthetists Hymn

Overheard in a busy clinic as a receptionist spoke to a hard-of-hearing patient: "No, Mrs. Smith, not the hearse, I'm sending the nurse!" 


“Unusual” Medical Abbreviations
ABITHAD – Another Blithering Idiot Thinks He’s a Doctor.
ATS – Acute Thespian Syndrome (patient is faking an illness)

ETK(T)M – Every Test Known To Medicine

FDGB – Fall Down Go Boom 
GOMER – Get Out Of MY Emergency Room
LOLINAD – Little Old Lady In No Acute Distress
SALT – Same As Last Time
SWAG – Scientific Wild Arse Guess
TMB – Too Many Birthdays
TEETH – Tried Everything Else; Try Homeopathy
UDI – Unexplainable Drinking Injury


I was performing a complete physical, including the visual acuity test. I placed the patient 20 feet from the chart and began, "Cover your right eye with your hand." He read the 20/20 line perfectly. "Now your left." Again, a flawless read. "Now both," I requested. There was silence. He couldn't even read the large E on the top line. I turned and discovered that he had done exactly what I had asked; he was standing there with both his eyes covered. I was laughing too hard to finish the exam.   Dr. Matthew Theodropolous, Worcester, MA
I once heard a joke about amnesia, but I can’t remember it any more.
If you lose your hearing is it ear replaceable.
Weight loss mantra? Fat chants!
I can’t see my blind spots.
The patient had a difficult time bouncing back from his bungee cord accident.
For relief during cosmetic surgery procedures, they use an aesthetic.
Difficult psychological patient: One that’s a Freud of psychoanalysis.
Pharmacists find their work to be very encapsulating.
New parents-to-be have many misconceptions about pregnancy.
What? These medical puns aren’t funny to you? You may be suffering from an irony deficiency. 

Medical Lingo

At the beginning of my shift, I placed a stethoscope on an elderly and slightly deaf female patient's right anterior chest wall. "Big breaths," I instructed her. "Yes, doctor,” she sighed nostalgically, “they used to be." Dr. Richard Byrnes 


4,000 Years of Medical Progress
2000 BC: Here, eat this food.
1000 AD:  That food is heathen! Here, say this prayer.

1568 AD: That prayer is superstion! Here, let's bleed you.
1865 AD: Bleeding is hogwash! Here, drink this special potion.
1935 AD: That potion is snake oil! Here, swallow this pill.
1975 AD: That pill is ineffective! Here, take this antibiotic.
2000 AD: That antibiotic is poison! Here, eat this food.


A bulk email sent to all staff of a local hospital: "The Joint Commission is coming today. Please no shouting matches with the nurses while they are around."    


Doctors vs. Patients

A  20-year-old female arrived at the ER complaining of lower abdominal pain.  During the examination, she denied being sexually active.  The doctor gave her a pregnancy test anyway and, lo and behold, it came back positive.  The doctor then returned to the female patient’s examining room.
Doctor:  "The results of your pregnancy test came back positive.  Are you sure you're not sexually active?"
Patient:  "Sexually active?  No doctor, I just lay there."
Doctor:  "I see.  Well, do you know who the father is?"
Patient:  "No.  Who?" 

Medical Transcription Errors
D = Dictation  T = Transcription
D: She has five sisters, one of whom is deceased
T: She has five sisters, one of whom is deceived
D:  ... recurrent or persistent cough
T: ... recurrent ecosystem cough
D: No history of GTN or pregnancy induced hypertension
T: No history of GTN or pregnancy due to hypertension
D: She was knocked by a car and brought to the ER unconscious.
T: She was mocked by a car and brought to the ER unconscious.
D: Today, she’s eating liquids with much difficulty. She doesn’t eat much solids.
T: Today, she’s eating liquids with much difficulty. She doesn’t eat much salads.
D: PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: As described above.
T: PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: As prescribed above.
One of the nursing students from the local community college was supposed to collect a sterile urine specimen from her patient.  Imagine the surprise on the staff nurse's faces when they found the student sterilizing the urine in the unit kitchen — by boiling it on the stove! 
At a veterinarian’s office, a man and the receptionist were verbally sparring with each other. After a few moments into this heated exchange, a vet tech came to her co-worker’s defense. “Sir,” she said sternly, “do you know happens to aggressive males in this office?”
 Funny Fido

In this article, I briefly reviewed the health benefits scientific research has discovered about the positive effects of laughter humor and laughter, scientifically known as the study of gelotology. I also shared jokes, dictation errors, puns, videos, cartoons and other medically related humor.  If you found it useful or amusing, please click Like and Share. Also, please leave a comment (or even a joke or two) below. Spread the laughter.  

Rick Fromme combines entrepreneurial enthusiasm with an insider's knowledge of the medical industry to co-found Both his drive and perspective helps provide health care professionals with a superior mechanism with which to communicate, network and market their strengths. Prior to founding, Rick operated a highly successful medical device distributorship. Other milestones in his 12-year career in the medical industry include a key position at a medical device start-up company that was later sold to the Ethicon Endo division of Johnson & Johnson. You may also reach Rick by connecting with him on FacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedIn and YouTube. 

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