Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Here’s Looking at You, Kid

Key Qualities Employers Seek in Job Applicants

By Rick Fromme

“There are as many opinions as there are experts,” former president Franklin D. Roosevelt astutely espoused. That’s certainly true when it comes to ascertaining important attributes employers seek in job candidates. As in many elements pertaining to one’s career search — creating an effective résumé, crafting a compelling cover letter, honing one’s interview skills, developing key questions to ask during a job interview, knowing how to negotiate your salary — there’s a plethora of sound advice from sagacious experts, all of whom are eager to share their wisdom.

The Power of Character
Eleanor Roosevelt with Fala
Eleanor Roosevelt with Fala (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It seems our former POTUS (President of the United States) and his spouse, FLOTUS       (First Lady of the United States), were both wizened individuals; that’s undoubtedly one reason why they were a dynamic chief executive duo. For, like her husband, the indefatigable Eleanor Roosevelt was also skilled at making  pithy observations, as evinced by her statement, “Only a man’s character is the real criterion of worth.” Indeed, many contemporary business experts and pundits, including Dr. Stephen Covey and Zig Ziglar, have reiterated similar sentiments. Regardless of one’s qualifications or “hard skills,” says Vivian Giang of “Business Insider,” there are four key character traits that are important for any particular job.

Ambition: Employees should demonstrate drive and desire for success. Otherwise, it’s impossible to build the successful company that the founder(s) envision.

Initiative: Managers prefer having employees who can organize their workloads and execute their business without constant supervision. Employees who can identify challenges and create solutions are even more valuable.

Commitment: Employees who are willing to go the distance for a company, even during lean times, are always assets for any firm.

Personality: Employers prefer having employees who are pleasant to work with. They promote a sense of well-being in the workplace. Contributing to a positive workplace ambience is important.

Serial entrepreneur James Caan stated in his post on LinkedIn, “There have actually been times when I have brought people into my business purely because they had these qualities. They weren't necessarily the most qualified on paper, but they ticked the right boxes in terms of character. Many candidates go into interviews and are keen to emphasize their skills ... if you can also show potential employers you have most of the qualities listed above — preferably with examples — you will almost certainly become a more attractive candidate.”

NACE Makes its Case

Recently, the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) was asked to determine what its staff deemed important attributes of would-be employees. According to NACE’s Outlook 2014 surveyemployers are looking for team players who are adept at problem solving, who can organize their work, and who can communicate effectively. Ranked from most to least important in its survey, the responses are as follows:

  • Ability to Work in a Team Structure

  • Ability to Make Decisions and Solve Problems

  • Ability to Plan, Organize and Prioritize Work

  • Ability to Verbally Communicate with Persons Inside and Outside the Organization

  • Ability to Obtain and Process Information

  • Ability to Analyze Quantative Data

While writers/editors and sales personnel may fervently debate its findings, the least two important attributes, at least according to NACE’s survey, were the “ability to create and/or edit written reports” and the “ability to sell or influence others.”

Soft skills,” similar to one’s character, 

are interpersonal skills
and attributes one must have 

to succeed in the workplace."

Soft Skills: Wear Them Comfortably

As mentioned earlier, there are tangible skills and qualifications applicants need. These are the “hard skills” that are job-specific, the requisite, skills an aspiring candidate must have when applying for a specific job. Then there are “soft skills,” which, similar to one’s character, are interpersonal skills and attributes one must possess to succeed in the workplace. It’s important to demonstrate to employers you have command of both hard and soft skill sets when interviewing for jobs. Even more importantly, it’s important you demonstrate them regularly once you’ve landed that coveted position.

English: Stephen Covey at the FMI Show, Palest...
English: Stephen Covey at the FMI Show, Palestrante on June 22, 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Employees need to be able to puzzle things out, having analytical skills are important in the workplace (and in life in general). The level of this mostly left-brain attribute will vary depending on the job and the industry. In conjunction with being able to analyze and solve things, employees are expected to be able to organize, plan and prioritize tasks effectively. As Dr. Stephen Covey was noted for saying, “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”

Regardless of what NACE says, most other experts agree that the e ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing is paramount, no matter what job you have or industry you work in. You’ll need to be able to communicate with fellow employees and managers, perhaps with clients or other businesses with whom your firm interacts. You’ll need to be able to do so online, in writing, face-to-face, on the phone, and perhaps using video conferencing.

Interpersonal skills, often times called “people skills,” are what you use when you engage and interact with others. The ability to connect with other people is important. Your interpersonal skills will be evaluated during job interviews and during your tenure in the workplace, so it’s important your "people prowess" is up to par. Nobody likes working with employees who are surly, have a prima donna attitude, are prejudicial, or who are unpleasant. Sure, we all have bad moments and days, but always strive to put your best self forward.

Portrait of Lao Zi (Lao Tzu)
Portrait of Lao Zi (Lao Tzu) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The old business model of leaders carrying a big stick doesn't hold true anymore. Today, the best leaders empower their fellow coworkers to strive for excellence. Lao-Tzu, the ancient Chinese philosopher who penned the “Tao Te Ching,” said it best, “When the best leader's work is done the people say, ‘We did it ourselves.’”

Positive Attitude
Attitude might not be everything, but it’s very important. Employers want positive thinking employees, even in stressful and challenging circumstances. They want team players that demonstrate a “can do” attitude, and that are willing to go the extra mile(s) to get the job done.

Regardless of the job, employers want to hire cooperative team players who work well with others. They don’t want employees who are difficult to work with. When you are interviewing, be sure to share examples of how you worked in a cooperative environment. Here, extracurricular examples may be used such as sports, playing in a band or singing in a choir, group volunteer work, etc.

Depending upon the job, the necessary technical skill will vary. These days, many jobs require nominal computer and peripheral equipment skills.

Showcase Your Skills
To be certain you’re showing your top skills when you're job searching, make a list of the skills and qualities you’ve demonstrated in the past. Also, think of examples of how you’ve applied these skills to achieve success in previous jobs, school and/or volunteer and civic work. Think of ways to include them in your résumé and/or cover letters. Whenever appropriate, share these examples during your interviews as well.

Amble Soup
To warm up your memory during these colder winter months, here’s a veritable alphabet soup of important soft skills to peruse at your leisure:

          A - D
    Able to Listen
    Accept Feedback
Alphabet Soup
Alphabet Soup (Photo credit: Thriving Vegetarian)
    Artistic Sense
    Business Trend Awareness
    Conflict Resolution
    Creative Thinker
    Critical Thinker
    Crisis Management
    Critical Observer
    Critical Thinker
    Customer Service Experience
    Deal Making
    Deal with Difficult Situations
    Deal with Office Politics
    Deals with Difficult People
    Decision Making
    Design Sense
    Desire to Learn
    Disability Awareness
    Dispute Resolution
Ergonomic Blogger
Ergonomic Blogger (Photo credit: Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com)
    Diversity Awareness

            E - G
    Editing Experience
    Effective Communicator
    Emotion Management
    Emotional Intelligence
    Entrepreneurial Thinking
    Ergonomic Sensitivity
    Establish Interpersonal Relationships
    Experience Dealing with Difficult Personalities
    Follow Instructions
    Follow Regulations
    Follow Rules
    Functions Well Under Pressure
    Giving Feedback
    Good at Networking
    Good at Storytelling
    Good Attitude

            H - O
    High Energy
    Highly Organized
    Highly Recommended
Deadline (UK TV series)
Deadline (UK TV series) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
    Intercultural Competence
    Knowledge Management
    Leadership Skills
    Listening Skills
    Make Deadlines
    Management Skills
    Managing Difficult Conversations
    Managing Remote Teams
    Managing Virtual Teams
    Meeting Management
    Negotiation Skills

            P - R
    Perform Effectively in a Deadline Environment
    Performance Management
Public speaking
Public speaking (Photo credit: brainpop_uk)
    Physical Communication
    Positive Work Ethic
    Possess Business Ethics
    Process Improvement
    Proper Business Etiquette
    Public Speaking
    Read Body Language
    Resolving Issues

            S - U
    Safety Conscious
Franklin D. Roosevelt (seated third from left,...
Franklin D. Roosevelt (seated third from left, in white shirt) in a school photo of football teams in Groton, Massachusetts. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
    Selling Skills
    Sense of Humor
    Stay on Task
    Strategic Planning
    Stress Management
    Successful Coach
    Take Criticism
    Talent Management
    Team Building
    Team Player
    Technology Savvy
    Technology Trend Awareness
    Thinks Outside the Box
    Time Management
    Tolerant of Change and Uncertainty
    Train the Trainer
Vermeer A Lady Writing
Vermeer A Lady Writing (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

            V - Z
    Value Education
    Verbal Communication
    Visual Communication
    Willing to Accept Feedback
    Willingness to Learn
    Work Well Under Pressure
    Work-Life Balance
    Writing Experience
    Writing Reports and Proposals
    Writing Skills
   Xenophiliac (I’ll wager you didn’t think we’d have an ‘X’; see Diversity Awareness)

Rick Fromme combines entrepreneurial enthusiasm with an insider's knowledge of the medical industry to co-found MedMasters.com. Both his drive and perspective provide health care professionals with a superior mechanism with which to communicate, network and market their strengths. Prior to founding MedMasters.com, Rick operated a highly successful medical device distributorship. Other milestones in his 12-year career in the medical industry include a key position at a medical device start-up company that was later sold to the Ethicon Endo division of Johnson & Johnson. You can reach Rick by connecting with him on FacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedIn and YouTube
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1 comment:

  1. Great article. Very informative. Not like a lot of blogs out there. I'm going to start following these.
